Launched in 2005 at the initiative of the European Parliament, the Exchange Programme for judicial authorities provides quality activities that meet the current and future needs of the European judiciary. Today, EJTN is recognised as best placed to implement exchanges between judicial authorities.
The Exchange Programme's main purpose is to enhance the European judiciary’s practical knowledge of other judicial systems as well as European and human rights law through direct contacts, exchange of views and experiences between judges, prosecutors, court staff and trainers from different EU Member States.
The Exchange Programme also aims to develop a European judicial culture based on mutual trust between judicial authorities in the common European judicial area.

Read the Exchange Programme brochure available in English, French, German, Spanish, Bulgarian, Czech, Polish and Slovenian.
A call for applications is launched during the autumn of each year and communicated through EJTN’s Member and partner institutions, and on the EJTN website.

Who does what within the Exchange Programme team?
Aude Magen (Ms), Head of Unit and Senior Project Manager, is responsible for the general coordination of the team, Exchange Programme meetings and judicial leaders exchanges.
Armin Schelle (Mr), Project Manager, is responsible for the study visits, long-term training periods and bilateral exchanges.
Camille Durez (Ms), Project Manager, is responsible for the general short-term exchanges, study visits and long-term training periods.
Chrystelle de Coligny (Ms), Project Manager, is responsible for the study visits, specialised exchanges, court staff exchanges and judiciary learning grant programme.
Flavio Mastrorillo (Mr), Junior Project Manager, is responsible for the study visits, long-term training periods and AIAKOS Programme.
Any questions about the Exchange Programme can be sent to: ExchangeProgramme(at)