EJTN’s flagship activity, the Exchange Programme, is open to judges, prosecutors and judicial trainers from across Europe. It offers short-term exchanges as well as study visits and long-term exchanges to EU institutions along with the courts, prosecution offices and judicial training institutions of EU Member States. Read more...

The AIAKOS programme is designed for future and newly-appointed judges and prosecutors, giving them an opportunity to learn about other European judicial systems, training curricula and judicial cooperation instruments as well as to foster professional links for their future careers. Read more...

EJTN offers its Catalogue of Members' Activities, which are organised by EJTN’s Members. Over 200 judicial training activities, across an array offields, are open each year to Europe’s judiciary. Read more...

EJTN’s Catalogue+ programme upgrades existing training courses of EJTN’s Members and finances international participation in these and their interpretation. The courses are available for Europe’s judiciary, and cover various fields of law, including fundamental rights, criminal law and civil law. Read more...

The highly acclaimed THEMIS competition, open to future EU magistrates undergoing entry-level training, is an event for debating topics,sharing common values, exchanging new experiences, discussing new perspectives and practicing judicial skills. Read more...

In order to tackle the increasing number of complex cases with atransnational dimension, EJTN’s Criminal Justice programme offers Europe’s judiciary tailored training seminars within the field. The seminars adopt a ‘learn-by-doing’ approach in order to ensure practical and lively sessions. Read more...

The EJTN Linguistics Programme is designed for the training of the EU judiciary in legal English and French across different fields of law. This training adopts an interactive, small-group methodology and features the participation of tutors, a linguistic expert and a legal expert. Read more...

The Civil Law activities aim to strengthen EU justice professionals by offering seminars in civil judicial cooperation and in a vast scope of civil law subjects (such as family law, company law, IP law, tort law, property law, commercial law and contract law). Read more...
The EJTN Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms Sub-Working Group (HFR SWG) brings together judicial training institutions and representatives from the European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA) and the HELP in the 28 project of the Council of Europe (CoE) to design and implement high-quality trainings in a wealth of Human and Fundamental Rights areas. Read more... |

Administrative Law designs and implements high-quality training forthe EU judiciary in an array of areas including EU Asylum Law, European Human Rights, EU Tax Law and EU Environmental Law. Read more...

The Judicial Training Methods activities aim to enhance the sharing of good judicial training practices among justice professionals and to establish new approaches for the delivery of training and knowledge to EU judges and prosecutors. Read more...