Witness statements are essential in criminal cases. This seminar offers practical tools for judges, prosecutors and court clerks to optimize witness examinations and implement the EU Directive on minimum standards on the rights, support and protections of victims of crime (2012/29/EU). These practical tools benefit the witness, the involved professionals, and enhance the ability to assess the reliability of the witness statement. We will discuss - based on psychological understanding - how human memory works and how one retrieves memories. We will elaborate on how to put theory to practice while balancing the interest of the witness and the defendant’s right to examine a witness. The seminar will help you prepare and execute a witness hearing. It will help you navigate your dealings with the witness and with parties. The Witness Protocol will give you the necessary pointers. Therefore we will also discuss the Witness Protocol.
Target audience:
Open to judges, prosecutors and court sta
Application procedure:
All applications must be submitted through the candidates' national EJTN member institution.
Upon invitation by EJTN, participants register via EJTN online platform to which they receive access. After the event, reimbursement is processed via EJTN online platform.
Useful documents:
FAQ_section EN.pdf
Allocation of Places:
BG (1) - CZ (1) - ES-CEJ (1) - FR (1) - HR (1) - IT (1) - PL (2) – PT (1) - RO (1)
Deadline for application:
11 April 2022