Judges and prosecutors are trained to exercise their judicial roles, but they generally receive no training in management, even though these skills are indispensable when they reach management positions. This is especially the case for new heads of courts, who will necessarily be confronted with human and organisational issues requiring specific training. The aim of this course is to present management techniques suited to the specific structure of a court, particularly as regards the way it operates and the status of the judges and prosecutors working in it. It is intended both for newly appointed heads of courts as well as their more experienced counterparts who would like to reflect on and share their practices.
Target audience:
Judges, prosecutors, investigators
Application procedure:
All applications must be submitted through the candidates' national EJTN member institution.
Upon invitation by EJTN, participants register via EJTN online platform to which they receive access. After the event, reimbursement is processed via EJTN online platform.
Useful documents:
FAQ_section EN.pdf
Allocation of Places:
DE (1) - IT (2) – PL (2) - PT (2) - RO (2) – SI (1)
Deadline for application:
1August 2021