The seminar will focus on the communication of courts/judges with the media, not on the communication of courts with the parties. Each step of the module will be accompanied with the relevant case law (either real or fictive cases for the purpose of the activity). The analysis of the specificities of the judiciary's communication with the media and skills in selecting the appropriate channel for the successful transmission of the message that the court wants to send to the public, as well as the analysis of the feedback are included in the seminar.
Target audience:
Open to judges and prosecutors
Application procedure:
All applications must be submitted through the candidates' national EJTN member institution.
Upon invitation by EJTN, participants register via EJTN online platform to which they receive access. After the event, reimbursement is processed via EJTN online platform.
Useful documents:
FAQ_section EN.pdf
Allocation of Places:
DE (1) – EL (1) - IT (1) - PL (2) - PT (2) - RO (2) – SI (1)
Deadline for application:
20 May 2022