The webinar series organised under the EJTN Administrative Law portfolio offer on “Jurisprudence Updates: most important decisions of the European Court of Justice relevant for Administrative Judges”will continuous with new episodes in 2021.
Three webinar sessions will take place in Mat 2021 as follows:
- 3rd of May h 10.00- 11.30 Brussels time: EUCJ Case Law on Public Procurements;
- 5th of May h 10.00- 11.30 Brussels time : EUCJ Case Law on the Damages Directive;
- 10th of May h 10.00- 11.30 Brussels time : EUCJ Case Law on Asylum Law.
The goal of this webinar series is to provide with a wide spectrum of the most recent developments of the case-law from the European Court of Justice in different fields of interest, especially for Administrative Judges.
Each episode will foresee the participation of leading experts and practitioners in the field, who will guide participants through the most important recent cases.
Target audience:
Introductory/Intermediate level for Administrative Law Judges
Application Process and number of participants:
Deadline for applications:
By 26th of April interested participants can register directly in the EJTN Online System of Participants (OSP) via the link here.
Registered participants will receive the links to access the respective webinar rooms via e-mail by the 30th of April 2021.
Each webinar will be held always at h 10.00 Brussels time for 1h and 30 minutes as follows:
- 15 minutes introduction
- 45 minutes presentation
- 30 minutes for questions and answers
Experts: 3rd of May: Ms. Ana Carla Teles Duarte Palma, Administrative judge at Administrative Court of Appeal of the South (Lisbon) 5th of May: Ms. Vlatka Butorac Malnar (LL.M, PhD), Associate Professor at the Faculty of Law, University of Rijeka, Croatia. 10th of May: Ms. Suzana Tavares da Silva, Judge at the Administrative Supreme Court of Portugal
Moderators: Mr. Fernando Duarte, Judge at the Administrative Court of Appeal of Oporto and Trainer at the Judicial School of Lisbon and Ms. Giulia Carpentieri, Project Manager at the European Judicial Training Network – EJTN
EJTN Secretariat:
Giulia Carpentieri