In 2012, the European Union (EU) adopted legislation intended to ensure that victims of crime can rely on the same level of protection and support across the EU.
Directive 2012/29/EU establishing minimum standards on the rights, support and protection of victims of crime (Victims' Rights Directive) requires the Member States to ensure that all crime victims are treated with respect, informed about their rights and case in a way they understand, and protected during proceedings. Support must include individual assessments for all victims and identify those with special needs, and the relevant professionals must be given proper training for this. Additional EU legislation addresses the specific needs of victims of human trafficking, child victims of sexual exploitation and victims of terrorism, ensures that protection applies across the EU in criminal and civil cases and requires appropriate compensation for victims.
On 5 March 2020, the European Commission published a Roadmap for 'EU Strategy on victims' rights (2020-2024)', outlining its five key priorities: empowering victims of crime, improving protection and support of the most vulnerable victims, facilitating victims’ access to compensation, strengthening cooperation and coordination, and the international dimension of victims’ rights. The Strategy calls upon promoting training activities for judicial and law enforcement authorities.
The training is focused on those vulnerable victims who require targeted and integrated support and protection: victims of domestic violence, child sexual abuse and gender-based violence. The training program is aimed at providing
- knowledge and common guidelines on how to better practically and comprehensively approach victims in the EU taking into consideration the context and the events and during the procedure;
- knowledge and common guidelines on how to better support and protect the victims and how to facilitate the victims” access to compensation;
- knowledge and common guidelines on how to develop and use efficient mechanisms of response when victims report a crime;
- knowledge and common guidelines on the cooperation among all the authorities that are coming into contact with victims.
Methodology and format:
Day-and-a-half training which will combine lectures, presentations and workshops with a case-scenario to enhance practical knowledge of practitioners in order to improve the rights of all victims of crime.
Target audience:
Judges and Prosecutors from all EU Member States, preferably criminal judges and prosecutors with some knowledge of EU Criminal Law and judicial cooperation in criminal matters.
Application Process:
All applications must be submitted through the candidates' national EJTN member institution.
Upon invitation by EJTN, participants register via EJTN online platform to which they receive access. After the event, reimbursement is processed via EJTN online platform.
Useful documents:
Terms and conditions of participation
Frequently Asked Questions
Number of participants:
All Member States. 38 places
Deadline for application:
8 October 2021