Description of the activity
To provide a better understanding of the current landscape of EU cross- border gathering of evidence (Mutual Legal Assistance and Mutual Recognition) and the perspectives and challenges offered by the Directive on the European Investigation Order.
To advise on what relates those main changes with the EIO Directive in order to raise awareness among practitioners on practical questions that may arise regarding rights and obligations of the issuing and executing Member State.
How to facilitate the use of the EIO in practice when asking for some investigative measures in another Member State (examples and standard form) as well as the roles of EUROJUST and EJN.
The day-and-a-half webinar aims at enhancing effective cooperation and mutual trust among the European judiciary. Participants shall better understand the perspectives and advantages, but also the challenges appearing with the Directive on the EIO and other cross-border instruments
Target group
Judges and prosecutors from all MS with practical knowledge / experience gathered in cross-border criminal cases.
Application Process:
All applications must be submitted through the candidates' national EJTN member institution.
Upon invitation by EJTN, participants register via EJTN online platform to which they receive access. After the event, reimbursement is processed via EJTN online platform.
Useful documents:
Terms and conditions of participation
Frequently Asked Questions
Number of places:
Judges and prosecutors from all Member States
New deadline for applications!!
10 November 2020