In cooperation with the CEPOL and with the support of EUROJUST, the EJTN funds the annual participation of judges and prosecutors from the different EU Member States to CEPOL's seminars on Join Investigation Teams, aiming at fostering a greater cooperation and information-exchange between magistrates and law enforcement officers at the EU level.
Training event aimed at enhancing the competences and deepen the understanding of the participants of the set-up and functioning of Joint Investigation Teams.
General Learning Outcomes:
Upon completion of the activity the participants will be able to:
- Apply the concept of JITs
- Compare JIT with other forms of criminal investigations
- Identify legal practice and procedural issues in JITs
- Illustrate in general terms how to set up and operate a JIT
- Select appropriate services offered by the European Union to support JITs
- Differentiate the roles of the different actors in a JIT
- Complete and submit applications for JIT funding
- Draft a JIT agreement based on the model agreement available in the JITs Manual; evaluate a JIT based on the evaluation template from CEPOL JIT Online Learning Module / the JITs Network Secretariat
Target group:
Criminal Judges and prosecutors preferably involved in cross-border criminal investigations and prosecutions.
Number of participants:
15 participants from all MS
Application Process:
All applications must be submitted through the candidates' national EJTN member institution.
Upon invitation by EJTN, participants register via EJTN online platform to which they receive access. After the event, reimbursement is processed via EJTN online platform.
Useful documents:
Terms and conditions of participation
Frequently Asked Questions
Number of places:
15 Judges and prosecutors. All Member States.
Deadline for applications:
1 February 2020
NEW DEADLINE: 20 June 2020
UPDATE: This activity is cancelled.