Day-and-a-half training organised in partnership with the Association of European Administrative Judges (AEAJ) and focused on constructive solutions to conflicts between national and European law in the application of fundamental rights and freedoms.
The training will be carried out by leading academics and practitioners and will cover topics as diverse as potential conflicts between judicial and administrative decisions and fundamental rights, conflicts between primary and secondary EU law, and between the former and the European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR).
This training will combine theoretical lectures with practical workshops based on specialised case-studies and will serve as a forum for the exchange of knowledge and best practices between judges from across the EU. Participants are expected to have some background knowledge of the subject.
Target audience:
Administrative and civil law judges from all EU Member States
Registration Form Terms and Conditions of Participation
Post seminar:
Expense Claim Form Private Car Travel Reimbursement Form
Application Process:
All applications must be submitted through the candidates' national EJTN member institution.
Number of places:
EJTN - 20 judges AEAJ - 20 judges
Deadline for applications:
13 January 2017