Justice and the protection of the environment

Start Date: Monday, November 22, 2021
End Date: Friday, November 26, 2021
Category: European (General) and International Law
Venue: Paris, France
Country: France
Leading organisation: Ecole nationale de la magistrature - ENM
Cooperative Partner:
Language(s): English, French
Training level: Introductory
Target audience: Open to judges
Participants(EJTN): 5
Contact: Valérie Culioli and Emilie Breyne
Contact e-mail:
Contact phone: +33681126499

Course Description

Under the direction of Franck Lagier, French liaison magistrate in Tunisia – former Senior public prosecutor - head of the section specialising in environmental matters in Marseille & Sarah Rouy, magistrate seconded to the legal, administrative and financial division of the French Office for Biodiversity (OFB).
The protection of the environment calls for a new and complex judicial response, which will be explored in depth in this training course. The protection of the environment, a challenge common to all, is legally translated under the aegis of international conventional or customary law and national law (constitutions and framework laws on the environment). 
In practice, this dimension is reflected in the development of new and sometimes complex litigation, which the judiciary must fully invest in, in administrative, civil and criminal matters, including and often on an international level.
Judges must therefore master and design innovative working methods and use tools that are familiar to them in this cross-cutting and priority litigation.
This course covers the specific legal framework for environmental protection and its French and international institutional actors. It also addresses the specific techniques for handling environmental litigation. Finally, it encourages a multidisciplinary and interactive approach. Practical visits will also be organised during the course.  


Registration Deadline: 01/11/2021