Economic and financial investigations

Start Date: Monday, October 11, 2021
End Date: Friday, October 15, 2021
Category: EU Criminal Law
Venue: Paris, France
Country: France
Leading organisation: Ecole nationale de la magistrature - ENM
Cooperative Partner:
Language(s): English, French
Training level: Introductory
Target audience: Open to judges & prosecutors
Participants(EJTN): 7
Contact: Emilie BREYNE
Contact e-mail:
Contact phone: +33 (0) 1 44 41 88 24

Course Description

Under the supervision of Emmanuel CHIRAT, European Delegated Prosecutor, having served as a public prosecutor in the National Financial Prosecutor's Office & Cecile MEYER - FABRE, Senior investigating judge in the department in charge of financial investigations- Judicial Court of Paris.

This session aims to enable participants to : 

- promote the criminal treatment of acts of economic and financial delinquency: detection, investigation, prosecution ;

- master the specificities of the criminal investigation in the field of economic and financial delinquency; measure the place taken by negotiated justice as a criminal response to economic and financial offences

- acquire up-to-date knowledge, particularly in the fight against money laundering and corruption, as well as the seizure and confiscation of criminal assets

- enrich their experience through practical cases and concrete illustrations 

Target audience: Foreign judges, investigators and legal professionals

Agenda: EN/FR




Registration Deadline: 16/07/2021