Algorithms and Predictive Justice (WEBINAR)

Start Date: Wednesday, June 09, 2021
End Date: Friday, June 11, 2021
Category: Rule of Law
Venue: Online
Country: Italy
Leading organisation: School for the Judiciary of Italy
Cooperative Partner:
Language(s): Italian
Training level: Introductory
Target audience: Open to judges & prosecutors
Participants(EJTN): 2
Contact: Ms. Antonella ROCCA
Contact e-mail:
Contact phone: +39 (0) 6 85334226

Course Description

"Predictive justice" means the possibility to predict the outcome of a judgement by using mathematical algorithms, and thus to evaluate the chances of well-founded/unfoundedness of a legal problem in relation to a specific issue, by processing the complete, updated and available judicial data. Since the use of artificial intelligence is a settled reality in all scientific fields, we need to ask whether, and with what limits, "predictive justice" can be applied also to the field of  trials, in the light of these developments.


Registration deadline: 24/05/2021